Kimberly #HopeDealer

My name is Kimberly Wilson, and I am in long-term recovery. What that means for me is I have not used alcohol or other drugs since Jan 9, 2014, and because of that, I found myself. I have love again, I am loved by my awesome daughters. They see me now as their hero, I am trusted by the Springfield Recovery Community Center leaders to help them run a community center in Springfield. I owe it all to God.
I started my use with meth at age 25. I realized I had a problem when I got arrested and charged with Manufacturing and possession in 2013. I went to jail in 2014. I had to listen to my girls cry while their youngest sisters were taken by their dad. I knew then my life had to change no matter what it took. I fell to my knees and begged God to forgive me and show me how. What helped me in my recovery was the 12 steps, positive, sober people, my treatment team, my love and trust from my girls and family.
Now that I have found recovery, I know who I am. I am proud of my recovery and am also helping others find the way to recovery. I am hosting SMART Recovery and taking training classes to become a facilitator. I am certified in first aid mental health and other courses to be an MRSS-p. I believe the biggest need to support those with a substance use disorder are Guidance, Love and Respect.