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Jesse #HopeDealer

My name is Jesse Rowland and I am in long-term recovery. What that means for me is I have not used alcohol or other drugs since 1-1-2016 and because of that, I have turned my life around and started a Faith Based recovery meeting called 417 New Life Entertainment.

I use to bring dope to the table. Now I bring hope to the table. The first drug I ever used was Marijuana at age 9. My drug use progressed to Meth and Alcohol

I knew I had a problem when I woke up every day and the first thing I wanted to do was get high before anything. My life was unstable. I was nothing but a lowlife drug addict, dope dealing convict.

What helped me the most was surrendering to God and accepting the fact that I had a substance abuse problem.

Recovery has changed my life. I am now a positive part of the community. I help others out and bring people to the lord. I plant the seed of spirituality and recovery and I am blessed to see the growth of others. I love people now.

Today, because of recovery, I have a strong relationship with Jesus. I fellowship with others in recovery. I do service work and work my steps and go to meetings. I started my own faith-based recovery meeting at the Springfield Recovery Community Center every Friday night.

Love is the biggest tool to help others find recovery. I feel being loved on can open people’s eyes to the truth about addiction and that recovery is possible.

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Better Life in Recovery

1925 E. Bennett, Suite J

Springfield, MO  65804


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